We know that a decade is a long time to keep on track with goals – that’s why we’re here to inspire, support and celebrate with you.
Of course, you can pursue your 50 Challenges on your own, but we know that everyone achieves more when they have encouragement and accountability from like-minded people and supporters. So we’ve set up 50 Challenges to become a global community of people like you sharing their challenges, problems and successes, so we can all motivate and help one another to do more, achieve more and be more.
Our aim is to develop the website so that all Challengers can post their own Challenge Diaries sharing their progress and achievements within the community and with friends and family. We also want to provide chat forums so you can pick the brains of other Challengers to help you find best the best solutions to hurdles. We have big ambitions – we’ll keep you updated with our progress.
In the meantime, we’ve set up a 50 Challenges group on Facebook. We’d love you to join to share your challenge ideas, ask any questions you may have and support and encourage others who have decided to tackle their milestone birthday by joining 50 Challenges.
Our ground rules are that all members are:
Positive – we aim to inspire, support and celebrate
Non-judgemental – all challenges are equally valid and should be appropriate for each Challenger
We Can't be a community on our own, so please join the conversation, share, support, and reach out for help and ideas. We're here for you!