Shop organic for a week
Go vegan for a month
Eat only freshly cooked food for a week
Go sugar free for a month
Go to bed by 10.30pm every night
Source toiletries that contain natural ingredients
Take up a new sport or activity
Take a dance class
Learn to sail
Learn how to skateboard or roller-skate
Learn how to rock climb (indoor or outdoor)
Use the stairs
Walk for 20 minutes twice a week for a year
Walk 10,000 steps a day for a year
Take part in a charity walk
Walk all the footpaths within a 10-mile radius of your home
Complete a long-distance walk - in stages or one go
Walk other classic Nature Trails walks
Learn to ride a bicycle
Complete a 10k route in under 30 minutes
Enter a charity bike ride
Cycle to work every day for a year
Complete a long-distance or challenge bike ride
Cycle 1,000, 2,000 or 3,000 miles in a year
Achieve a personal best
Run your first 5k
Run your first 10k
Run twice a week for a year
Take part in a Mud or a Dye run
Run a half marathon
Run a marathon
Run an endurance or ultra event
Learn to swim
Swim twice a week
Take part in a 3km race
Join a swimming club
Compete in a race
Swim a wild mile
Swim the Channel